HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - Hamburg's mayor Peter Tschentscher has defended the recent deepening of the Elbe against criticism despite the enormous silt problems. "The deepening of the Elbe was necessary and has not failed," the SPD politician told the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. Despite the partial withdrawal of the clearance, he said, the Elbe deepening was already successful "because the large container ships still have almost one meter more draught than before the Elbe deepening began."

Those who explained the failure ignored the facts, Tschentscher also said in the direction of the Green coalition partner. "And that's why it remains the same: It is politically agreed that we secure the Elbe deepening. If necessary, there will be clear announcements on this from my side, because that is the basis of our coalition agreement."

Tschentscher rejected reports that he and Environment Senator Jens Kerstan (Greens) have already clashed over the Elbe deepening. He had definitely not raised his voice. But it is part of the basics, he said, "that we do not play around with the basic functions of our city." That, in turn, meant that the port, which was the economic foundation of more than 100,000 families, would not be called into question by tactical maneuvering./klm/DP/zb