Guidewire and Chronovo announced that Chronovo's new Ready for Guidewire validated add-on is now available to ClaimCenter users in the Guidewire Marketplace. Chronovo is an Access-level Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution Alliance member. Chronovo leverages innovative technology and skilled professionals to help insurers unlock the value of structured settlements and potentially quadruple cases closed with structures.1 A structured settlement is a regular stream of tax-free payments granted to the plaintiff in a civil lawsuit.

Structured settlements are meant to provide long-term financial security to the injured party. With Chronovo's StructureAssist add-on, insurers can: Easily send a quote request and supporting documents to Chronovo from ClaimCenter; Save time with pre-filled claims data; Review resulting quote and request modification if needed; and Track the activity and status of a structure quote. It provides insurers with clear, graphically-driven quotes to highlight the value of structures for all parties.

Quotes, called Chronographs, are interactive and based on real-time pricing, increasing accuracy and saving time. Each quote issued prompts outreach from a settlement specialist at Chronovo to customize the quote and settlement strategy for each claim.