GSE Solutions announced that rolls-Royce SMR has enlisted the company to develop a power station simulator, as it continues to mature the design of its Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology and remains on track to complete Step 2 of the Generic Design Assessment this summer. GSE Solutions is a world leader in advanced engineering and workforce solutions across the clean-energy and power industries. This simulator will play a key role in Rolls-Royce SMR's program to develop, verify and validate the performance and control systems of its unique 'factory-built' nuclear power plant.

It forms part of a much wider program of development activities that are focussed on ensuring the 'delivery-certain' nature of the plant. a recent update, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) confirmed that Rolls-Royce SMR is on track to complete Step 2 of Generic Design Assessment this summer - with the intention of moving straight into the third and final step. This progress through the assessment by the nuclear industry's independent regulators (the ONR, Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales) confirms Rolls-Royce SMR's position as being significantly ahead of any other SMR design in Europe.

Rolls-Royce SMR offers a radically different approach to delivering new nuclear power based on proven technology. Each of the factory-built nuclear power stations will provide enough low-carbon electricity to power a million homes for more than 60 years.