Goldflare Exploration Inc. announced that the 2021 surface exploration program was successful to identify a new gold-bearing sector on its Syenite Condor project located about 30 km north-east of Rouyn-Noranda, Abitibi (Quebec). Prospecting rock sampling results received so far reach locally values between 1 and 10 g/t. The new "Condor I" discovery is located about 3.5 km west of IAMGOLD Corporation's Fayolle advance exploration project, the Syenite Condor exploration project is centred on the Cléricy pluton, an intrusive mass of about 4 km2, near the eastern extension of the Destor-Porcupine Break, in an area characterized by an array of north-west regional faults. So far, 270 prospecting results from chip samples were received and compiled.

Of those, one hundred and forty-six (146) – which corresponds to 54 % – are in a main mechanically stripped area located in the Cléricy Township. The work extends for about 50 metres in both north-south and east-west strikes, exposing a swarm of mafic dykes and porphyritic syenite cross-cutting the Cléricy pluton close to its eastern margin. The exposed gold-bearing fracture zone extends over the entire length of the stripped area.

The first positive results (i.e., those above 1 g/t) were obtained from heavily fractured and heavily hematized syenite rocks. From this first pass of sampling, one sample returned 10,33 g/t, and a series of twelve (12) samples returned results from 1 to 10 g/t. Those high results all come from a west-to-north-west-trending fracture network, which follows a lamprophyre dyke with the same orientation. The mineralized syenite material shows a partly recrystallized and microfractured texture, with abundant hematite, magnetite and carbonates.

Disseminated pyrite is widespread in the gold-bearing samples, but it represents no more than 2 % of the volume. The apparent width of the fractures zone at the surface varies between 1 and 5 metres, along a strike length reaching 50 metres, and remaining open to the east.