The Board of Gold Mountain Limited announced that Phase 2 of its bulk sampling program has commenced at the Crown Ridge Gold project, EL1968, under the supervision of Director and Geologist Doug Smith. Following the completion of the Phase 1 bulk sampling program, which utilised smaller 2m x 2m x 2m (8 cubic metre) and confirmed visible gold in over 92% of 52 pits through the Priority 1 zone, the Company has made the decision to begin an intensive, Phase 2 bulk sampling program utilising 5m x 5m x 5m pits of 125 cubic metres. The first large scale test pit was excavated from Pit 200 (adjoining the earlier test pit 65; approximate co-ordinates 816,000mE /9,407,450mN, WGS84, Zone 54S) using a tracked excavator and processed using re acquired portable heavy mineral test plant from Gray Brothers Engineering. A sample of concentrates, collected from approximately 60 cubic metres of material, was shipped to Tony King Analytical Pty Ltd. (Mineral Processing Consultancy firm) in Herberton, Queensland. Tony King is an industry professional in metallurgy and mineral processing with over 30 years' experience in gold recovery procedures.