Globe Telecom, Inc. announced that the appointment of Mr. Anton Reynaldo M. Bonifacio as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Data Protection Officer (DPO) effective January 20, 2017. He will report to Chief Technology and Information Officer, and will act as Chairman of the Information Security and Privacy Committee in Management. The role of CISO is responsible to the Globe executive team and various businesses, the Audit Committee and the overall Board of Directors for providing guidance, leadership and management related to the risks on confidentiality or loss of information technology assets, customer information, intellectual property, and Globe's competitive strategies and plans. As DPO, Mr. Bonifacio's responsibilities are in accordance with Republic Act 10173 or the "Data Privacy Act of 2012" and its relevant implementing rules and circulars. Among his other responsibilities, Mr. Bonifacio will also be involved in driving the identification, implementation and maintenance of Globe's data privacy policies and procedures, training to all Globe employees and partners on data privacy, ensuring data processing and similar agreements with third parties are aligned with privacy policies and initiatives, and cooperating with the National Privacy Commission and other pertinent regulatory agencies and strategic partners.