11-01-'13 08:13 FROM-Coulson Legal +61865552971


Corporauont A<:t2001

SocUon 1718

Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder

IlL Compaoy Namu/SuMme


1. Dollollt ol liiJblillnUal hlllde 1)


ACNIAASN 111 $fllliiWblal 17Y::

T-392 P0001/0002 F-150

605 jlllgo 112 15 July 2001

The hol "'''00 lo bo a s00$lanllal holijer on

Tlle flf6VIou;notlce waa awan to the oompany on

The fli'IVio1111 notlte waa da!ed




t CllalliiH In 1llavanllntorOttt

Pa"lculm oleath thanoeln,,.thanoa In t ha nalln ol, a lelevantlnta est 121 of tne s00$lantlall!o OI 01an asso&lalaf311n votino mutilio•of l ho company,.o;hemo. slncetho oublitantlel h"WaiiDatrequlltld to owa a aubstanllat hte lo tha oompany 01' ooneme 81l as tollowa:


Tha persons who hava baoome a11100latn (3) of, cmed lo ba a"'lçlal89 ot, 01' havo thilnged th9 nature of lhili' aMO&IatiM 17) wtlb, lh& aubalanllal nold;r In rela!fon lo volino lnloNslsln lhcompany 111 schema 81l as10110Y

Nama and ACN/AASN Ot aJ!Illltablel

Nature of a3lloolallon

Tlle 111dll!am ot pmona nam•d In thb101m m aa fotiOYi:


slgn here

11-01-'13 08:13 FROM-Coulson Legal +61865552971

T-392 P0002/0002 F-150

605 pago 212 15 July 2001


Ol U th""" a numbo,or oull8tanllalltolt!m wllh slmllu Il<' related relevant lntll'tnts (eg, a OOII)lJiatlon and lll! ,.lato!çQffKI'Ot no, Il<' tho manaoif illld 1111$1!8 olan tty IMI)n,et names oould be lnctudod in an annlll<"" to !bo fulm. H tllilreliM!nt ''"lll• of a Oflll.ll of P8100118 altl '"entlally slmllar, tney may be rel""d to tlltolllhout th1ìllm as 'IIP'"Iflllally namad DMII!llt t ha membillihlp ol eaoo QfOI.ll,wnh the nameo atlladdre.,es ol memboN is euty set out In pala(l'aph 4 or thefulm.
(2) Sse th• definttlon ot 'lelavant tnteNor in sectlono 600 and 671B(7) oftllil CQIIHll'atlons Alli 2001.

(4) lmlllde detaits ot:

(a) aoi r; lmtn agr; emsnt or othel o1W11111tanc" of Whlch tllil changa In r; l;vant lotmnt QIXUI'IId.11 auosactlon 67tB(4) applles, a oopy or any dot arr; r; levant atJeemenl, and a statemant by the pa"'oo glvlnQ fUll and a!lll'ali dataior any contlaot, ooMma 01 all'angcmellt, muot 1illllffiPi!fiY this fulm, togethel wlth a W!fttan llllt!menl " ilylnO lhoontral:t, achi me or awangemellt; and

(b) any qu lfloatlon oft/16 f)Wiet' of a pmoo lo exmi,., oorrtmllha axall:he ot or lnflueOO!Jiho ax111te or. tlie votlng powefS 01 diWlVl/11 of !ha ;eCU'Itle;lo wnh lhe Nlevant lnto"""'''"(IndicalinO cleillly IM pa!lloutat111C11'111!8to whlh the quallflli8tioo applles).
S.alho doflnhloo or 'lelovant lllr;)emenr In ,.et ton 9 of lhe Corporellons Alrt 2001.
(5) Detalls of the oona Bii!tlon must in tuda !II1Y alld aH benaflts, monay and othe,, that any paP8on I!Om wllom a ffllevantlnt!ilt!lll was aoqultèd naa, 01 may, become antltled IO ,.coive In relatlon to that OK:qlllsttton. Dlltatmust balno!Uded oven H the benefltcondltional 011 t ho happenmg 1)0 fiO!of a oontlngency. Detali• m"'t bB InclUdad ol any bBnaflt pald on bihall ol the !Ubllllntlal holdar "'HsaS8oolato In P8latkln IO In! acttulsltkms, eva n fflhoy ate noi pald diiMI!y IO lhe peIlom
w110m !M P Il) The volinO aharBI ot a oompany oonsi!Me ono ciiJ,.uni"'dMded lnto aeparate allei.
(l) 6iva detal,apPIO!Wiato, of lho IJI'!lsont ai!OOCiatton and any onanga/n Ulat assoo:latloo sinca lhe l"t outmanttal Mldlltll notice.

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