2013-01-21 13:08:12

Treasury BondSpot Poland Market

Warsaw, 21 January 2013

EUR Denominated Treasury Bonds on the Treasury BondSpot Poland Market

Press Release

  • Treasury securities denominated in EUR for the first time introduced to trading on the electronic market in Poland

From 21 January 2013, the TBS Poland market lists 10 series of bonds at a total nominal value of EUR 24.5 billion. Treasury securities denominated in EUR will be available for the first time on the electronic market in Poland.

Instruments listed on Treasury BondSpot Poland:

Instrument Maturity
XS0210314299 2020-04-15
XS0242491230 2016-02-01
XS0282701514 2022-01-18
XS0371500611 2018-06-20
XS0410961014 2014-02-03
XS0479333311 2025-01-20
XS0498285351 2017-03-29
XS0543882095 2021-03-23
XS0794399674 2023-01-19
XS0841073793 2024-07-09

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Treasury BondSpot Poland
Treasury BondSpot Poland is an electronic wholesale market of Treasury securities operated by order of the Ministry of Finance. The market ensures high liquidity, transparency and effectiveness of trading in Treasury securities. Market participants include leading domestic and foreign financial institutions. In 2012, the market generated a record-high total turnover at PLN 1,061.72 billion while the average daily turnover was PLN 4.26 billion.

Warsaw Stock Exchange
The Warsaw Stock Exchange is the biggest securities exchange in Central and Eastern Europe. The WSE organises trading on one of the most dynamically growing capital markets in Europe. The WSE operates a regulated market of shares and derivative instruments and the alternative stock market NewConnect for growing companies. The WSE is developing Catalyst, a market for issuers of corporate and municipal bonds, as well as an energy market. Since 9 November 2010, the WSE is a public company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. http://www.gpw.pl.

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