2014-01-14 11:40:28

Joint Project of WSE and Gda?sk Institute for Market Economics

Joint Project of WSE and Gda?sk Institute for Market Economics
for the Polish Capital Market


  • "The European Financial Congress Project for Sustainable Development of Poland's Capital Market" is a joint initiative of Warsaw Stock Exchange and the Gda?sk Institute for Market Economics

A summary of the first initiatives undertaken in order to develop a growth strategy for Poland's capital market has been published on the website of Warsaw Stock Exchange. "The European Financial Congress Project for Sustainable Development of Poland's Capital Market" is an initiative of Warsaw Stock Exchange and the Gda?sk Institute for Market Economics - Gda?sk Academy of Banking, the European Financial Congress Project Co-ordinator.

"Support for the process of building an international capital and economic hub of the CEE region in Warsaw is one of the pillars of WSE's 2014-2020 growth strategy recently approved by the Exchange Management Board and the Exchange Supervisory Board. With this in mind, in partnership with the organisers of the European Financial Congress, we have taken an initiative aimed at developing a growth strategy for the capital market. I am positive that together we can ensure the implementation of systemic solutions which will put Warsaw firmly on the map of the global financial centres as the CEE economic hub," said Adam Maciejewski, President of the Management Board of WSE.

"The value of the European Financial Congress Project including its recommendations derives from the aggregate expertise and experience of individuals and institutions involved in the Project. Together with Warsaw Stock Exchange, we have initiated efforts necessary to develop constructive solutions for the growth of the capital market in Poland and in the CEE region. We put forth our proposals in full knowledge that the main function of the capital market is to finance business activity and increase savings of the population," said Maciej Borkowski, Managing Director of the European Financial Congress.

"The European Financial Congress Project for Sustainable Development of Poland's Capital Market" has initiated efforts on a growth concept for the capital market supporting the development of a strong economy by promoting corporate finance mechanisms, individual prosperity and an effective pension savings system. In pursuit of these goals, WSE and the Gda?sk Institute for Market Economics have organised the "Capital Market Summit. Strategic Ideas" in December as a platform of exchange of experience between experts, capital market institutions and individual investors. Other activities under the umbrella of the Project include the survey "Capital Market Megatrends: A Ten Year Horizon" as well as recommendations for the capital market drafted at the European Financial Congress 2013.

The outcome of those efforts is summarised in the document available at: http://www.gpw.pl/wydarzenia_en/?ph_tresc_glowna_start=show&ph_tresc_glowna_cmn_id=52227


The European Financial Congress is a debate on the security and stability of the European Union; a debate on good solutions for the shared success of Poland and the EU. What distinguishes the European Financial Congress is its practical orientation. In its Recommendations published at the end of the debate, the European Financial Congress identifies the most topical challenges faced by the economy today and puts forth proposed solutions. The programme of the Congress is co-created by the Board chaired by Jan Krzysztof Bielecki. The Board works with Steering Committees responsible for each debate. More information: www.efcongress.com/pl

The Gda?sk Institute for Market Economics - Gda?sk Academy of Banking organises seminars and congresses, media debates, industrial and special meetings of steering committees and boards. The goal is to develop recommendations, feasibility studies and opinions on the security and stability of financial markets in the EU, challenges for the development of the capital market, value-based management of enterprises, and financing of infrastructure projects. More information: www.projektekf.pl

Warsaw Stock Exchange is the biggest securities exchange in Central and Eastern Europe. WSE organises trading on one of the most dynamically growing capital markets in Europe. WSE operates a regulated market of shares and derivative instruments and the alternative stock market NewConnect for growing companies. WSE is developing Catalyst, a market for issuers of corporate and municipal bonds, as well as commodity markets. Since 9 November 2010, WSE is a public company listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange. For more information visit www.gpw.

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