2014-01-09 17:45:30

IPOs in Q4 2013

Warsaw, 9 January 2014

WSE Ranks Second in Europe by Number and Third by Value of IPOs in Q4 2013


  • WSE was Europe's #2 by the number of IPOs in Q4 2013.
  • The aggregate value of IPOs on WSE in Q4 2013 was more than EUR 1 billion.

According to the latest quarterly PwC IPO Watch Europe report on the number and value of initial public offerings (IPO) on the major European exchanges, WSE ranked second in Europe by the number of IPOs. There were 13 IPOs on Warsaw Stock Exchange in Q4 2013 (7 IPOs on the Main Market and 6 IPOs on NewConnect). WSE's share in the aggregate number of IPOs in Europe was 12%. The London Stock Exchange remained the leader in the number of IPOs.

The aggregate value of IPOs on WSE in Q4 2013 was EUR 1,017 million, which ranks WSE third in Europe by the value of IPOs.

Table 1. Number and value of IPOs on European exchanges in Q4 2013 

Source: PwC, IPO Watch Europe, Q4 2013

The aggregate value of IPOs on WSE in Q4 2013 was greater than in Q4 2012 (EUR 653 million). Compared to Q3 2013, the increase was significantly higher (EUR 15 million in IPOs in Q3 2013).
The biggest IPO on Warsaw Stock Exchange in Q4 2013 was the EUR 515 million offering of Energa on the WSE Main Market. It was the ninth biggest IPO in Europe.

Table 2. Number and value of IPOs on European exchanges by quarter
(total alternative and regulated markets, in the order of the number of IPOs)

Source: PwC, IPO Watch Europe, Q3-Q4 2013 and Q4 2012

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Warsaw Stock Exchange is the biggest securities exchange in Central and Eastern Europe. WSE organises trading on one of the most dynamically growing capital markets in Europe. WSE operates a regulated market of shares and derivative instruments and the alternative stock market NewConnect for growing companies. WSE is developing Catalyst, a market for issuers of corporate and municipal bonds, as well as commodity markets. Since 9 November 2010, WSE is a public company listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange.www.gpw.pl.

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