Fujitsu Limited announced the StopLift Self-Checkout Accelerator, a sophisticated new technology designed to help minimize interventions and detect theft at self-checkout lanes using video analytics. The first company of its kind, StopLift aims to reduce excess theft alerts at self-checkouts, identify un-purchased items leaving the Self-Checkout, and increase cashier productivity. Detection of potential theft has traditionally been performed primarily by weight scales at self-checkout.

As a result, some retailers disable the frequent security alerts and thereby expose themselves to additional theft. By utilizing StopLift's video analytics to verify potential alerts, the Self-Checkout Accelerator can effectively prevent unwarranted interventions. With these innovations, retailers will experience fewer false-positive interventions.

The Self-Checkout Accelerator is part of StopLift's family of Checkout Vision Systems solutions that automatically analyze regular CCTV video from existing cameras to detect various forms of theft, training error, and operational analytics at the checkout. A pioneer in the field of checkout vision systems, StopLift is known for the development of the first-ever system capable of successfully detecting between cashiers and customers.