F-Secure has partnered with Frontier Communications Corporation to make it easier for Frontier customers to protect personal information using Frontier's new Secure PWD service. Secure PWD is an easy-to-use password management app, powered by F-Secure, which securely stores a user's login credentials and generates unique passwords. Frontier is one of the first F-Secure operator partners to include F-Secure's password management technology within its product portfolio. Frontier's Secure PWD service creates easy to remember passwords for multiple accounts but backs up those passwords with a complex `behind the scenes' system that thwarts online hacks. Utilizing F-Secure's strong encryption technology, Secure PWD stores passwords, usernames, PIN codes and even credit card details that can easily be accessed on any device, at any time with a single password. Users can also automatically fill in necessary login information to a website with just one click, no longer needing to reset forgotten passwords.