First Prudential Modaraba announced audited earnings results for the year ended June 30, 2018. For the year, the company reported total income of PKR 59,981,538 compared to PKR 54,387,673 a year ago. Loss for the year was PKR 19,563,515 compared to profit for the year of PKR 17,227,604 a year ago. Loss before taxation PKR 19,563,515 compared to profit before taxation of PKR 15,178,505 a year ago. Loss after taxation PKR 19,563,515 compared to profit after taxation of PKR 15,178,505 a year ago. Loss per certificate was PKR 0.22 compared to earnings per certificate of PKR 0.17 a year ago. Net cash used in operating activities was PKR 2,918,768 compared to PKR 122,847,064 a year ago. Purchase of own used assets was PKR 2,709,655 compared to PKR 37,400 a year ago. Purchase of ijarah assets was PKR 37,990,500 against PKR 15,392,514 a year ago.