At a joint event today the Union of Actors in Bulgaria (UAB) and Fibank (First Investment Bank) presented a project to support the social program of the Union, which includes ensuring decent old age to deserving Bulgarian artists.

The project was presented in person by the Executive Director of Fibank - Mr. Vasil Hristov and the Chairman of Union of Actors in Bulgaria - Mr. Hristo Mutafchiev.

For additional pension will be eligible artists - veterans from the whole country. After inquiry from the Union of Actors in Bulgaria to all theaters, names will be submitted of deserving artists with low pensions and no opportunities for additional income.

The project shall also provide scholarships to talented students in the field of theater.

"Fibank supports the social program of the Union of artists in Bulgaria. In May we celebrated the day of Bulgarian spirituality with campaign in which participated famous Bulgarian actors. We reminded the Bulgarian spectator priceless works of Botev, Vazov, Yavorov. With this initiative we express our support to deserving Bulgarian artists by implementing a project that will provide decent old age of proven Bulgarian artists", said Mr. Vasil Hristov, Executive Director of Fibank.

Mr. Hristo Mutafchiev added: "On behalf of the Union, I would like to thank for the support of First Investment Bank and that they stand by us in difficult times, when all support is important. On the Management Board of the Union of Actors in Bulgaria we will adopt rules of procedure of the Fund, which will grant additional pensions to our deserving fellow actors. We hope this way and with this particular project to continue to care for the peaceful old age of Bulgarian artists."

The initiative is part of the corporate social responsibility of Fibank. The Bank continues its long-standing policy to support the Bulgarian culture, education and art.

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