MANTARO PRECIOUS METALS CORP. announced the appointment of Stephen Clayson to the position of Chief Executive Officer effective immediately. In addition, Dr. Chris Wilson will be stepping down as Executive Chairman and as a director of the Company.

Mantaro would like to thank Dr. Wilson for his services as a director, which included assembling the Company's current portfolio of high-grade gold and silver assets in Bolivia and Peru. Mr. Clayson has more than 15 years of diverse international experience as an executive and consultant and is highly familiar with equity markets and the management of public companies. He has an in-depth understanding of mineral exploration and development activities, having been involved with numerous such projects, including in Latin America, in a board or management capacity.

Mr. Clayson holds qualifications in corporate finance, insurance, investment management and securities. His previous work has included several years as CEO of a London AIM-quoted mineral exploration company, and extensive consultancy work for two London AIM-quoted companies which brought gold mines into production.