After the first six months of continued growth, Exsitec welcomed 81 new employees to our Nordic offices on August 14th.

Of these 81 new employees, 74 are enthusiastic talents who have been accepted into Exsitec's trainee program in Sweden, Norway and Denmark after a selection process with over 1200 applicants.

- The trainee program is part of the company's DNA and strongly characterizes our culture. It is also vital for us to be able to meet the market's demand for the expertise we offer our customers. We spend a lot of time and resources to hire the right people and provide first-class training for our trainees, says Emma Billenius, HR Director at Exsitec.

- Despite all the uncertainty in the world, we see a record high demand for digitization and automation from our target group. With more than ten years of experience in running and investing in trainee programs, we know that our new colleagues will quickly contribute positively to our customers and get a fun and challenging start to the career, says Johan Kallblad, CEO of Exsitec.

In addition to these trainees, Exsitec has also welcomed 7 senior coworkers. With their industry knowledge and experience, they will play an important role in driving growth in our business areas.

- The mix of trainees and senior employees means that we can maintain a high level of competence in order to meet our customers’ needs, Emma Billenius concludes.

© Modular Finance, source Nordic Press Releases