Expensify, Inc. announced that its chat-based platform, New Expensify, has been selected by SaaStr as the featured conference networking tool for 10,000+ attendees. SaaStr Annual, taking place from September 6-8 in San Mateo, is one of the world's largest tech conferences, and with it comes a number of speaking sessions, sponsors, and events. The SaaStr team has chosen to use New Expensify as its preferred chat and networking tool for its powerful community-building platform and ability to connect its 10,000+ attendees with each other, event speakers, and organizers, all through the Chat feature of the New Expensify app.

New Expensify's Chat feature enables attendees to: Chat with each other one-on-one before SaaStr starts to make early intros or plan meetings; Share fun updates, pictures, or post-conference plans in a central # social room; Get a realtime feed of conference announcements in a central #announce room; Ask questions and engage with speakers directly in keynote and session-specific chat rooms; Stay connected long after the conference is over to nurture industry-centric communities built during the event. While SaaStr is the biggest tech conference to select New Expensify as its Preferred networking tool, Expensify has rolled out New Expensify at a number of events this year already, including ExpensiCon, Scaling New Heights, and CalCPA Leadership Council Meeting, as well as React Native EU being held in Poland next week. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with organizers and attendees alike enjoying the community built on the platform.

Conferences have come to love New Expensify for its collaboration among attendees. To highlight the capabilities of the new platform during SaaStr Annual, Expensify is running a special promotion to encourage attendees to use New Expensify's receipt-scanning feature, which captures receipt data and inputs all expense information automatically, with no manual entry required. Attendees will be able to track their receipts with the app, and anyone that scans a lunch receipt with New Expensify will receive $20 in their account.

If you're at SaaStr, drop by booth #U601 to meet the Expensify team and learn more about New Expensify.