Eurofins Scientific announced on Wednesday the acquisition of assets in India's 'Genome Valley', with the aim of setting up a new state-of-the-art scientific laboratory there.

The scope of the operation includes a building of over 8,000 m2 whose size will enable it to serve the country's largest pharmaceutical groups, as well as smaller biotech companies.

The site's activities include synthetic organic chemistry, analytical research and development (R&D), bioanalytical services, in-vivo testing and toxicological studies on product safety.

Located in Hyderabad, 'Genome Valley' is considered to be one of India's leading hubs for life sciences and pharmaceutical production, with over 200 companies based there and a total workforce of some 15,000 people.

The announcement was made on the occasion of the World Economic Forum in Davos, following a meeting between Eurofins and India's KT Minister Rama Rao.

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