HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - The head of energy group RWE, Markus Krebber, has warned against premature carelessness in view of the current easing of the energy crisis. "Germany has done almost everything right in the energy crisis. But to believe that we have done everything to master the next crisis is wrong. We are not through yet," Krebber said in an interview with the magazines "stern" and "Capital" published on Wednesday.

As an example, he cited the debate over whether the German government is planning too generously when it comes to terminals for importing liquefied natural gas (LNG). "It may be that the LNG terminals will not be fully utilized. But they are needed as an insurance premium," he said. The manager pointed out that Russia is currently meeting its supply obligations through the Ukraine pipeline. "If you think it will stay that way, you need fewer terminals. If you want to hedge, you need the infrastructure," he said.

Krebber believes the current debate about a further extension of the operating lives of Germany's nuclear power plants does not serve much purpose. "The discussion about the three remaining nuclear power plants is not the relevant issue for the long-term transformation, for the energy supply of Germany and Europe. We should not burn so much political capital on this," he judged.

Referring to last fall's decision, pushed through by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), to finally shut down the three remaining reactors on April 15 after a short-term extension of their operating lives, Krebber said, "I think this is the final decision."/rea/DP/stw