ESSEN (dpa-AFX) - Former IBM executive Erich Clementi is to become the new chairman of the supervisory board of energy group Eon. The incumbent head of the supervisory body, Karl-Ludwig Kley, has decided not to stand for re-election to the supervisory board at the group's annual general meeting on May 17, the group announced on Tuesday.

Kley stressed, "It is now the right time to place the office in new hands." He said the group was in an excellent strategic position after several years of fundamental restructuring and had demonstrated its robustness in the energy crisis of recent months.

Clementi has been a member of the Eon Supervisory Board since 2016. In addition to his many years of management experience, he brings with him particular expertise in the field of digitalization, which is central to Eon and the future of the energy industry, the company emphasized./rea/DP/jha