A Publicly Held Company - CNPJ 02.474.103/0001-19

NIRE 4230002438-4


TRACTEBEL ENERGIA S.A., a publicly held company, with registered offices in the city of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina, at Rua Paschoal Apóstolo Pítsica, 5064, enrolled in the tax register (CNPJ) under number 02.474.103/0001-19 ("Tractebel"), pursuant to article

28 of CVM Instruction 308 (ICVM 308) of May 14, 1999, wishes to inform its shareholders and the market in general that the National Economic and Social Development Bank
("BNDES") has made its first disbursement relative to the financing intended for the
implementation of the wind farms of Mandaú, with an installed capacity of 30 MW; Fleixeiras, with an installed capacity of 30 MW; Trairi, with an installed capacity of 25.4 MW; and Guajirú, with an installed capacity of 30 MW, all located in the Municipality of Trairí, State of Ceará.
The disbursed amount for the four projects was R$ 53.8 million. The financing carries a maturity of 16 years and is for a total amount of R$ 358.0 million, representing approximately
70% of the financeable items of the projects, whose production will be directed to long-term sales in the free market.
Florianópolis, September 26, 2012.
Eduardo AntonioGoriSattamini Manoel Arlindo Zaroni Torres

Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations


Chief Executive Officer

TRACTEBEL ENERGIA S.A. Rua Paschoal Apóstolo Pítsica, 5064 - CEP 88025-255

Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brasil

Fone/Phone: +55 (48) 3221-7221 - Fax: +55 (48) 3221-7166 - -

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