• Approval of all resolutions supported by the Board of Directors
  • Re-appointment of Ms Marie-José Nadeau and Mr Patrice Durand as directors
  • Appointment of Ms Lucie Muniesa as a director
  • Debate with shareholders on the climate strategy
  • Rejection of a resolution submitted by a coalition of investors seeking to amendthe bylaws, not supported by the Board of Directors
  • Payment of a dividend of €1.40 per share on May 3rd

The ENGIE General Shareholders' Meeting was held on 26 April 2023 at the Centre des Congrès de la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris, under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Jean-Pierre Clamadieu. This was an opportunity for dialogue with shareholders, both present physically and remotely.

With a quorum of 74,55 %, the Shareholders' Meeting approved all resolutions supported by the Board of Directors.

The Shareholders' Meeting renewed the four-year term of office of Ms Marie-José Nadeau as an independent director and the term of office of Mr Patrice Durand as a State-nominated director. It alsoapproved the appointment of Ms Lucie Muniesa as a State-nominated director for a four-year term.

Ms Lucie Muniesa has an extensive experience in the public and private sectors. She is currently Director of Sustainable Development, Compliance and Institutional Affairs and a member of the executive committee at Paprec Group. Her expertise in sustainable development and corporate finance, and her detailed knowledge of ENGIE, will be invaluable to the Group's Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors expressed its thanks to Ms Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière, who did not seek reappointment, and its gratitude to Ms Françoise Malrieu, whose term of office as an independent director has ended, for her commitment over the past 12 years.

The Board of Directors is now composed of 14 members. The proportion of female directors is 50% and the proportion of independent directors is 60%.

At the meeting, Catherine MacGregor, Chief Executive Officer, detailed the Group's climate plan implementation and discussed it with shareholders through a debate specifically devoted to this subject.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors reiterated the Group's commitment to transparent and in-depth dialogue on climate issues with its stakeholders throughout the year, based on information which will be progressively harmonised under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. ENGIE has already increased the level of information disclosed in its TCFD[1] report, included in the integrated report.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors also reiterated the Board's commitment to consult shareholders on the climate strategy every three years, or in the event of a significant strategy change, and to include this strategy implementation on the agenda of each Shareholders' Meeting followed by a debate.

The agenda also included a resolution on the climate strategy proposed by a coalition of investors and seeking to amend the bylaws. While the Board of Directors is committed to quality dialogue, it felt that it was not necessary to amend the Group's bylaws to find ways of organising this dialogue, and it did not support this resolution. The resolution was rejected by 75,62 % following the recommendation of the Board of Directors.

The Shareholders' Meeting results of the votes and the replay of the Shareholders' Meeting will be made available shortly on thewww.engie.com website

Coming events:

• 3 May 2023: payment of the 2022 dividend

• 11 May 2023: publication of financial information for the first quarter of 2023

• 28 July 2023: publication of financial results for the first half of 2023

  1. 2023 addendum to the climate book



Engie SA published this content on 26 April 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 26 April 2023 17:21:20 UTC.