Enefit Green AS reported production results for the month, fourth quarter and full-year ended December 2022. Enefit Green produced 100.7 GWh of electricity in December 2022, which is 12.0% less than in the same period last year. The production result was mostly driven by the lower production of wind energy in Estonian and Lithuanian wind farms. In December 2022, the average measured wind speed in both Estonian and Lithuanian wind farms was 6.5 m/s compared to the average wind speeds in December 2021 at 6.7 m/s and 6.9 m/s, respectively. In December, electricity production in the cogeneration segment increased by 5.8% year-on-year to 17.9 GWh, and the production of thermal energy decreased by 5.5% to 59.8 GWh, as the weather in December was somewhat warmer than last year. Pellet production fell by 3.1% year-on-year to 12,800 tonnes in December 2022.

In the fourth quarter of 2022 as a whole, Enefit Green produced 24.5% less electricity, 10.1% less thermal energy and 8.2% more pellets than a year earlier.

In year 2022 as a total, Enefit Green's electricity production decreased by 6.3% to 1,118 GWh, heat energy production by 8.5% to 565 GWh, and pellet production increased by 13.8% to 154,000 tonnes.