KARLSRUHE (dpa-AFX) - Thanks to a comparatively warm December and higher earnings, among other things in intelligent infrastructure, such as for new urban districts, the energy group EnBW is again raising its business expectations for the past year. According to information on Tuesday, Germany's third-largest utility now expects adjusted operating earnings (Ebitda) of around 3.3 billion euros. The figures are preliminary, final values are to be published on March 27.

In November, the Karlsruhe-based group had still revised its forecast downwards and expected to be able to just match the previous year's result in the best case. Originally, EnBW had wanted to increase the 2021 result by two to seven percent to 2.96 billion euros.

Some of the risks that EnBW had assumed in the fall due to uncertainties on the market and in politics did not materialize after all, CFO Thomas Kusterer said according to the statement. For example, the burden in the fourth quarter of 2022 was lower than assumed in the updated forecast in November, particularly in view of the above-average warm weather at the end of the year, it said. Business in renewable energies had also been better than thought at the time./kre/DP/men