Ehave, Inc. announced the availability of a breakthrough comprehensive solution for medical record exchange as the first plugin to its Ehave Dashboard. The medical record exchange plugin will allow patients to own their own healthcare records and work more closely with medical professionals and psychedelic researchers to target conditions that are poorly addressed by the healthcare system today, such as chronic diseases, treatment-resistant depression, and neurological disorders. The medical record exchange plugin on Ehave's Dashboard could also potentially be of interest to pharmaceutical companies by changing the way they develop or market products. Since major pharmaceutical companies don’t develop drugs for them, the Ehave Dashboard could potentially aggregate data from this patient population and provide that data to drug developers for clinical trials. This data could also help insurers’ route patients to the treatment providers who can help them the most. Collecting real-world evidence in support of patient outcomes and economic value has long been a challenge for those seeking market access for their products. The medical record exchange plugin on Ehave's Dashboard could offer insights into how medicine is consumed and real-time data on its impact. Companion sensors could notify a drug company how patients react to their medication, which could influence R&D, or indicate when a relatively low-grade therapy is not working.