Ehave, Inc. announced it has licensed revolutionary AI to unlock the human voice as a meaningful measurement of health. The AI technology is a mobile app that is a mental health monitoring tool based on voice tone and context analysis. Characteristics of the human voice, such as voice tone and context analysis, are what medicine labels vocal biomarkers. Vocal biomarkers reveal vital information about an individual’s health, as well as help in detecting serious diseases and health risks. They are medical signs coming from features in the human voice, similar to other biomarkers like pulse and blood pressure. Capturing and analyzing subtle changes in the human voice, like pitch, intensity, vocal tract coordination, jitters, shimmers, tremors, and pauses, creates a range of health measurements that provide a more complete picture of an individual's health in seconds. The AI app is capable of analyzing the human voice to identify dishonest answers to questions about behavior. This will assure researchers and medical professionals get honest, concrete answers. AI voice technology can aid with early detection and prognosis of potential mental health problems, like bipolar disorder and depression, as well as provide a more complete picture of health. Psychedelic researchers or medical providers using the Ehave dashboard, or collaborating with its dashboard, will be able to use its AI technology to intake and run their clinical trials and or research.