Duopharma Biotech Berhad announced retirement of Tan Sri, Datin Paduka Siti Sa'diah Binti Sh Bakir as non-independent and non-executive chairman. Date of change is 6 June 2024. Age: 72.

Qualifications: Doctorate, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy (Corporate Management), Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia; Doctorate, Honorary Doctor of Letters, University of Reading, United Kingdom; Masters, Master of Business Administration, Henley Business School, University of Reading, United Kingdom; Degree, Bachelor in Economics, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Working experience and occupation: Tan Sri Datin Paduka Siti Sa'diah has contributed extensively to Malaysia's healthcare industry, serving in senior management positions at a leading healthcare service provider, and contributing her expertise through various government councils and committees. She was named CEO of the Year 2009 by the New Straits Times Press and American Express, and received numerous awards and accolades for her contributions to the healthcare industry in Malaysia and globally.

She started her career at Johor Corporation in 1974 and joined its Healthcare Division in 1978. She was appointed Chief Executive of Kumpulan Perubatan in 1989 and served as Managing Director of KPJ Healthcare Berhad ("KPJ") from 1993 to 2014. Retired in 2012, she continued to serve as a Corporate Advisor and an Independent Non-Executive Director of KPJ from May 2015 until March 2020.

She was the Chairman of KPJ Healthcare University College from 2011 to 2016, ProChancellor from 2011 to 2018 and the Chancellor of KPJUC since January 2019. She served as an Independent Non-Executive Director of Bursa Malaysia from 2004 to 2012 and a Board Member of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) from 1999 to 2012. She has served as President of the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) since its inception in 1997 until her retirement in December 2018.

She also served as a Director of several public listed companies, including AI-Aqar Healthcare REIT, KFC Holdings Malaysia Bhd, and OSK Holdings Berhad and currently serving as a Director of Lotte Chemical Titan Holdings Berhad. Tan Sri Datin Paduka Siti Sa'diah was appointed as Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman of Duopharma Biotech Berhad on 28 December 2017, following her tenure as a Senior Independent Director from 5 April 2016. She previously served as an Independent, Non-Executive Director at Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (CCMB) from 5 April 2016 until Duopharma Biotech Berhad's demerger from CCMB in December 2017.

Tan Sri Datin Paduka Siti Sa'diah Binti Sh Bakir has retired as she has served as Director of Duopharma Biotech Berhad for a cumulative period of nine years (inclusive of her tenure as Director in CCMB (that is Duopharma Biotech's former holding company)).