Directa Plus announced that it has had its contract (the "Contract") with OMV Petrom extended and increased. The Contract, initially awarded in July 2019, was for the provision of decontamination and oil recovery services using the Company's proprietary Grafysorber® technology. The initial value of the contract was €150,000 (of which €75,000 was delivered and invoiced in 2020) and this has now been increased to up to €410,000, with the balance of which is expected to be fulfilled by June 2021. The Contract relates to oil recovery from existing high-volume emulsions stored in the OMV Petrom Tank Farms in Romania. The project was paused in 2020 as a result of the pandemic but resumed in November 2020 and this month saw the treatment capacity increased to 2,000 cubic meters of emulsion per month. The extension has been agreed on the basis of the positive results to date of the Grafysorber® technology.