Diffusion Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced that the first patient has been dosed in the Company’s Phase 3 clinical trial with trans sodium crocetinate (“TSC”) in patients with newly-diagnosed inoperable glioblastoma multiforme (“GBM”), a type of brain cancer. The INTACT (INvestigating Tsc Against Cancerous Tumors) trial will compare standard of care (“SOC”) radiation therapy (“RT”) and chemotherapy plus TSC against SOC alone. The INTACT Phase 3 study follows a previous Phase 2 GBM study in which the inoperable patient subgroup showed a nearly four-fold increase in survival compared with historical controls when TSC was added to their treatment regimen (40.0% alive at two years vs. 10.4%). TSC’s unique mechanism of action affects the tumor micro-environment, making treatment-resistant cancer cells more susceptible to the tumor-killing power of conventional RT and chemotherapy (temozolomide) by re-oxygenating the hypoxic portion of the tumor. The Company believes that a largely intact GBM tumor vasculature with limited surgical resection is conducive to TSC’s tumor re-oxygenation properties, and that this contributed to the survival increase in the Phase 2 GBM inoperable patient subgroup. The trial will screen 300 patients and enroll 264 with the expectation that results from 236 patients will be available for analysis. Enrolled patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio into treatment and control groups. Patients in the treatment group will receive SOC temozolomide and RT plus an intravenous bolus of TSC administered shortly before their SOC treatments. Patients in the control group will receive SOC alone. The study will compare overall survival at two years between patients in the two groups. Up to 100 clinical sites in the U.S. and Europe are expected to participate.