DiamondRock Hospitality Company announced that it further amended the credit agreement for its $400 million revolving credit facility and $350 million unsecured term loan and the credit agreement for its $50 million unsecured term loan to extend the waiver period for the testing of financial covenants from March 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021 unless terminated early at the Company's option. The amendments also extend the modification of certain financial covenants, once quarterly testing resumes, to March 31, 2023. The amendments also provide the Company with the ability to retain proceeds from equity issuances to acquire unencumbered properties or hold as cash as long as the revolving credit facility balance is less than $175 million and the ability to retain proceeds from the sale of unencumbered properties, so long as the proceeds are used within 180 days to acquire unencumbered properties.