• The Federal Employment Agency, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Henkel and Deutsche Telekom deem pilot project for integrating refugees in the labor market a success
  • Valuable experience from unprecedented partnership project by German corporations
  • Multi-stage integration model will be continued and recommended to other companies
  • Refugees, managers, and teams report high level of satisfaction with the program and confidence with regard to long-term labor market integration

​​​​​​​One year ago, the Federal Employment Agency, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Henkel, and Deutsche Telekom introduced their joint pilot project 'Internship plus direct entry' to ensure long-term integration of refugees in the labor market.

In addition to the integration opportunities already on offer through internships and training positions, they are offering almost 100 refugees the opportunity to move to two-year employment via a multi-stage internship. The advantage is that after six months of orientation and introduction, the refugees take on fixed work tasks, with a gradual increase in responsibilities and tasks. This leaves room, among other things, for any language and integration courses they still have to complete. This model works especially well for refugees who would find it difficult to gain entry to the labor market due to special life circumstances, a lack of evidence of professional qualifications or because they have not (yet) completed German language courses. The Federal Employment Agency assisted in placing and supporting suitable candidates.

'We value this initiative by the companies and are delighted the project has been a success. It allows refugees to make their talents visible. Work is the best route to social integration. More and more companies are desperately searching for skilled workers and are barely able to meet their needs. Giving refugees an opportunity to bring their talents to bear is one more way of securing skilled labor over the next few years. What's more, we can see how important it is to learn the language. 'Language skills are the basis for successfully integrating in the labor market,' said Raimund Becker, Member of the Executive Board of the Nuremberg-based Federal Employment Agency.

In the meantime, almost all of the current participants have moved to the fixed-term employment phase. All of the participants rate the experience they have gained from the pilot project as valuable - providing opportunities and challenges in equal measure.

The recruitment phase showed that standardized recruitment processes, which are designed for efficiency, only work to a very limited extent for this target group. Rather it should be noted that they tend to have very limited professional experience or evidence thereof, and that each applicant's life situation must be considered on a case-by-case basis to provide them with the best possible support. This goes for administrative dealings with authorities as well as for additional language learning measures. The condition of fixed abode has proved to be a barrier in the recruitment process, since this is a nationwide program and the applicants have not always been allocated to the locations where the positions are offered.

On the subject of language learning, it has been found that refugees make rapid progress in general speaking and listening skills in their everyday interactions with German colleagues. However, to achieve significant improvements in language level, they also need additional advanced language training, since this does not come automatically through working. This highlights the importance of a personal, voluntary commitment beyond the normal working day: For language learning and integration to work in the long term, personal contact with colleagues is key to success. The voluntary commitment of employees to engage with refugees plays an important role and is supported by the employer in all three companies.

Although supporting refugees on their road to a new everyday working life can be time consuming, managers say the resulting cultural enrichment is thoroughly positive for their teams and companies as a whole. For this reason, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Henkel, and Deutsche Telekom will carry on with the three-stage model and continue to offer refugees an entry into work going forward through a combination of internships and fixed-term employment. The two-year term of employment enables the refugees to further develop their skills and acquire enough work experience to enable them to go on to successfully apply for positions - with the same employer or with a new one.

The 'Internship plus direct entry' program is a useful addition to the cooperative training system in Germany, aimed as it is at a different target group. For companies, it's an excellent way to exercise social responsibility while at the same time increasing their work capacity. Furthermore, the collaboration between the companies involved and the Federal Employment Agency has provided real added value. The positive feedback from participating refugees and positive experiences reported by managers provide encouragement for further programs to strategically expand the overall range of measures on offer to promote the integration of refugees.

Additional quotations from the companies' board members for human resources (with the companies' names listed in alphabetical order)

Deutsche Post DHL Group

'We have been committed to promoting the integration of refugees in the labor market for more than two years and so far have offered more than 1,250 internships, training positions or employment contracts at Deutsche Post DHL Group. 'Internship plus direct entry' is an additional pathway to acquire key professional qualifications while at the same time developing language skills and furthering integration in society. I am delighted that we are continuing the program in 2018 together with Henkel and Deutsche Telekom and we will continue to offer positions according to the demand,' said Thomas Ogilvie, Board member responsible for Human Resources and Labor Director at Deutsche Post DHL Group.

Deutsche Telekom

'For Deutsche Telekom, the pilot project has been a resounding success,' said Christian P. Illek, Chief Human Resources Officer at Deutsche Telekom. 'In an internal company evaluation, ALL participants spoke in favor of extending the program - refugees, teams, and managers alike. I am especially pleased with the positive pull effect: The more refugees we employ, the more inquiries we get from teams wanting to integrate one or more refugees. All participants in the program settle into their job after the first six months and carry out the tasks for which they have been employed. Another reason why we are building on the pilot and carrying on the model.'


'After a year, we at Henkel deem 'Internship plus direct entry' to be a complete success,' said Kathrin Menges, Executive Vice President Human Resources at Henkel. 'We believe that the integration of refugees into the German labor market calls for creative, but also very pragmatic solutions. I think this joint pilot project exemplifies this. It has given rise to a model specifically for refugees who don't have a professional qualification that is recognized in Germany, which is entirely transferable to other companies.'

Deutsche Telekom AG published this content on 24 January 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 24 January 2018 11:34:08 UTC.

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