FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - A significantly lowered outlook for this year's net asset value left its mark on the shares of Deutsche Beteiligungs AG on Thursday. After an initially restrained start, the share price continued to slide. In the end, the drop amounted to almost seven percent. The shares were thus the laggards in the SDax. For the first time since October 2022, they traded below 24 euros.

Just over two months after confirming its annual forecast, the investment company cut the upper end of its net asset value target range by EUR 80 million late the previous evening. The reason given for this was the gross valuation and disposal result, which was significantly lower for the investment company in the third quarter compared to the previous year.

According to expert Gerhard Schwarz from Baader Bank, capital market and economic factors had a negative impact on the value contribution of investments in the third quarter. However, the expert emphasized the volatility of the results. In this respect, the performance in a single quarter is not a real indicator for the year as a whole.

As a result of the price slide on Thursday, the 2024 shares have now lost almost 19 percent in value, making them one of the bigger losers in the SDax. The trend has been downwards since 2018. The share price has now more than halved compared to the then record of over 52 euros./tih/ag/mis