FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Hopes for an increase in forecasts led to buying interest in CTS Eventim on Thursday. The shares of the ticket retailer and event organizer returned to well above 80 euros with a price increase of more than two percent. However, they have not yet been able to free themselves from their recent consolidation following the record of 89.35 euros in May. The 50-day line at 81.44 euros initially stands in the way.

Expert Annick Maas from Bernstein Research provided some fantasy. She prepared the readers of her current study for the half-year report at the end of August for more ambitious annual targets from CTS.

But Maas actually focused primarily on the Bremen-based company's Fansale secondary ticket market, which she tested herself by buying and reselling a ticket. Her conclusion: although not everything went smoothly from a technical point of view, the business opportunities offered by the portal were far greater than expected. Fansale is still in its infancy, but will become a margin booster in the medium term.

Maas raised her price target to 95 euros, signaling a continuation of the record chase./ag/mis