Crossject announced it has extended the geographic coverage of its 22nd December 2023 commercialization agreement with an undisclosed partner for its innovative rescue therapy for epileptic seizures ZEPIZURE, previously known as ZENEO Midazolam. The extended contract now covers a total of 11 European countries. As a reminder, under the terms of the agreement, Crossject will receive milestone payments of up to EUR1 million in total, upon marketing authorizations granted in the territories.

Crossject will sell ZEPIZURE®? to the partner with a markup that is a share of the gross margin (net sales from the partner into the markets minus cost of goods). Crossject covers regulatory development costs and owns potential marketing authorizations, while Crossject's partner controls and is responsible for all commercial costs.

Crossject had a previous agreement for Germany executed in June 2019 that was terminated without any claim.