Paris, the 21 january 2013

Crédit Agricole S.A. is relying on technological innovation to promote the hiring of people with disabilities and improve their working conditions.

Technological innovations for hiring and keeping people in work

Crédit Agricole S.A. has designed and developed an ink-to-speech application on a talking tactile tablet that compensates for lack of speech. The tablet voices what the user has written down with a stylet.

The ink-to-speech software has been donated to doctors from the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris.

The Group has deployed the latest version of the Tobii PC Eyes system, which can be connected to any computer and allows the user to navigate using eye movements only.

Crédit Agricole S.A. has partnered with Tadeo to make this communication method available to deaf and hearing-impaired employees. The system accesses the Tadeo platform over the Internet from a computer equipped with a microphone and webcam, and a "Tadeo-operator" either translates the user's speech into French sign language or puts it down in writing.

Crédit Agricole S.A. has further innovated in its initiatives to promote disabled employment. The Group took part for the second year running in Handi2days, a virtual recruitment forum that enables applicants to be interviewed remotely at home. Crédit Agricole S.A. also regularly participates in handichats organised by AGEFIPH, with a first recruitment drive this year aimed at student traineeships. And speed-recruiting days dedicated to people with disabilities have been organised at Evergreen, the Group's campus in Montrouge.

Crédit Agricole S.A. renews its commitment to promoting diversity

The 2012 session of "Disability Recruitment Week" at Crédit Agricole S.A. provided the Group with an opportunity to confirm the importance it attaches to work-entry programmes for the disabled.

The Group signed a third agreement for the period 2011-2013, marking its eighth year of engagement with this issue. Among the agreement's highlights are:
- a stronger commitment to recruitment and the enhancement of its induction and assistance policy for student trainees with disabilities;
- further measures to take on disabled employees and keep them in work, particularly though special training and technological innovation;
- greater use of the sheltered sector, which provides indirect employment for people with disabilities;
- a search for more innovative communication solutions and awareness-raising to fight preconceptions and promote diversity.

Key figures for Crédit Agricole S.A.Group:
- More than 2,000 persons with disabilities
- An objective of 140 new hires as part of the Group's third agreement
- Training in 2012: 1,370 hours of sign language training, 350 hours for re-training employees with disabilities, 350 hours of business line training to improve professional skills.

"You don't mind me being a bit different, do you?"

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