Belle Mare Holding Limited (MUSE:BMHL.N0000) made an offer to acquire an additional 48.8% stake in Constance Hotels Services Limited (MUSE:CHSL.I0000) for MUR 1.6 billion on July 30, 2018. Belle Mare shall make an offer to the shareholders of Constance Hotels at MUR 30.5 per share. In a related transactions, Belle Mare Holding Limited made an offer to acquire remaining 49.99% stake in Hotelest Limited (MUSE:HTLS.I0000) for approximately MUR 860 million and Belle Mare Holding Limited entered into an agreement to acquire an additional 19.89% stake in Hotelest Limited for approximately MUR 340 million at MUR 30.85 per share.

The Board of BMH confirms that sufficient financial resources are available to BMH to satisfy in full the acceptances of the mandatory offer. The Board of BMH does not intend to change the strategy defined by the Board of CHSL nor delist the Company. The mandatory offer is not subject to any condition.