Titán, 13

28045 Madrid

Teléfono +34 91 774 63 87

Fax + 34 91 774 63 89

info@clh.es www.clh.es


The company distributed 27% more biofuels during 2012 than it did in 2011

During 2012, Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos CLH distributed more than 2.4 million cubic metres of biofuels, of which 2.1 million cubic metres were biodiesel and
0.3 million cubic metres were bioethanol.
We should emphasise that more than 0.7 million cubic metres of the biodiesel were accounted for by HVO, or second generation hydrobiodiesel, which became much more widely used during the last year.
CLH currently has 13 plants that have been adapted for the storage and distribution of diesel with biodiesel and a further 9 facilities where bioethanol blending with gasoline can be carried out, all of them being located in the areas where consumption is highest in the area covered by the company.
In recent years, the company has invested more than 25 million euros in adapting its facilities to receive, store and distribute biofuels, with the aim of meeting the new market requirements and continuing to maintain the high level of efficiency of its logistics system from the economic and environmental viewpoint.
This investment means that the company is playing its part in the diversification of energy consumption with more environmentally friendly energy sources, while at the same time increasing the use of renewable energies.
Besides this, and through CLH Aviación, the CLH Group is a collaborating organisation in the initiative launched by the Spanish Government for promoting the use of biofuels in aviation.
Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos CLH S.A. is the leading company in the Spanish market for the transportation and storage of oil products, with a pipeline network more than 4,000 kilometres long and 38 storage facilities with a total capacity of 7.8 million cubic metres, as well as 28 airport facilities.

Madrid, 30 January 2013
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