China Regenerative Medicine International Limited announced that Dr. Ray Yip ceased to be the chairman of the Board and has been re-designated from an executive Director to a non-executive Director. Dr. Yip will remain as a member of the remuneration committee of the Board (the ‘Remuneration Committee’). Following the resignation of Dr. Yip as the Chairman, Mr. Wang Chuang has been appointed as an executive Director and the Chairman with effect from 18 October 2019. Mr. Wang was accredited as a grade 1 health management professional by the Hubei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security of China in May 2016 and a psychological consultant by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China in March 2019. Following the resignation of Dr. Yip as an executive Director and the Chairman, Dr. Yip has also ceased to act as an authorized representative of the Company for the purpose of Rule 5.24 of the GEM Listing Rules and the compliance officer of the Company for the purpose of Rule 5.19 of the GEM Listing Rules (the 'Compliance Officer'). Mr. Wang Xuejun, an executive Director and the chief executive officer of the Company, has been appointed as an Authorised Representative and the Compliance Officer with effect from 18 October 2019.