China Education Resources Inc. system and contents to provide online/offline learning, training courses and social media for teachers, students and education professionals. CER provides shareholders and investors with an update on its business development. CER has developed and launched its Online Psychological Counselling Training Program for K-12 teachers. A United Nations report states that from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers were immediately tasked with implementing distance learning modalities, often without sufficient guidance, training, or resources. Teachers across the globe were largely unprepared to support a seamless transition in learning and adapt to new teaching methodologies. Likewise, students and their families currently need more help than ever due to the unexpected impact of the pandemic on individuals and their families. Therefore, it is critical to provide teachers with the help and tools needed to navigate these unprecedented challenges, most especially in light of the psychological burden COVID-19 has placed on individuals at large. All of CER's training programs launched during the span of the COVID-19 pandemic were created in direct response to market demand, especially from the teacher community. These include CER's Online Psychological Counselling Training Program, as well as CER's other new teachers' training programs announced in 2020 such as its Online Teachers' Manners and Etiquette Training Programs as well as its Online IT Proficiency Training Program. To date, approximately 100,000 K-12 teachers have participated in CER's online training programs since these programs were launched in 2020.