CGI launched its new CGI Retail Xp360 platform, that enables retail and consumer services organizations to deliver a seamless, real-time customer experience across all channels, while accelerating their digital transformation. The platform meets increasing retail consumer demands for more products, services and information-delivered instantly, in an omni-channel and personalized manner. Based on 1,300 face-to-face interviews with business and technology leaders across industries, the 2017 CGI Client Global Insights reveal that becoming a digital organization is the number one trend for the retail and consumer services industry. The insights also reveal that the top business priority is improving the customer experience. Smartphones, wearable's and other digital technologies create an immersive digital customer experience equally important as the in-store physical experience. CGI's perspectives demonstrate that in order to drive competitive advantage, leading retail and consumer services organizations are focused on customer-centric programs. These programs integrate digital and physical channels and leverage data analytics to deliver a precise, informed, and seamless retail experience in real time. Retail and consumer services organizations also are focused on optimizing operations and IT modernization to improve time to market and the overall customer experience. CGI Retail Xp360 enables retail and consumer services organizations to easily enhance the customer experience in alignment with their business objectives and priorities. Supported by a strong collaborative framework, the solution is configurable by each client to meet its unique requirements, deliver quick and sustainable benefits, while continuously improving the customer experience over the long term.