Cast Castle Biosciences, Inc. announced data from a single-site, open-label study demonstrating the consistent impact of IDgenetix®? on medication response and remission rates in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). The study found that real-world patient outcomes were strongly aligned to the results of a previously published randomized controlled trial (RCT) that demonstrated IDgenetix-guided medication management significantly improved response and remission rates for patients with MDD.

The data will be shared in a poster at the 2023 Neuroscience Education Institute (NEI) Congress, taking place Nov. 9-12, 2023, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The study compared clinical outcome results from a multi-center RCT (n=261) toreal-world evidence (RWE) from a single-center, non-randomized, open-label study (n=242).

Response and remission rates for patients with moderate to severe MDD were analyzed using IDgenetix-guided medications management (guided) and compared to patients receiving standard of care medication management (unguided). Patient response and remission rates strongly aligned between both studies. Compared to patients in the unguided group, response rates for the IDgenetix-guided participants improved by 37% in the RCT vs.

32% in the RWE. Remission rates improved 49% in the RCT vs. 57% in the RWE.

The study also highlighted the impact of drug-drug interactions (DDI) and lifestyle factors on the test results, indicating that 43% of the RCT recommendations and 24% of the RWE recommendations were impacted by DDI and lifestyle factors, which are unique to IDgenetix. Overall, comparing the clinical outcome results from the RCT with RWE demonstrated the consistent impact of IDgenetix on patient response and remission rates. This study provides evidence-based research that supports the clinical use of IDgenetix to guide medication management in patients with MDD.