Candel Therapeutics, Inc. will present two posters during the 2023 Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting in San Diego focused on the enLIGHTEN? Discovery Platform. The first poster titled ?Development of enLIGHTEN?

Alpha-201 herpes simplex viral vectors encoding payloads targeting the tumor microenvironment? reports preclinical characterization of the enLIGHTEN? viral chassis Alpha-201.

Profiling of biological responses to Alpha-201 unveiled its potential to orchestrate changes in the tumor microenvironment, supportive of effective anti-tumor immune responses to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment. In preclinical models, Alpha-201 displayed enhanced peripheral blood mononuclear cell-mediated cancer cell killing and immune activation when armed with certain immunostimulatory payload combinations which was predicted in silico using the enLIGHTEN? Advanced Analytics suite.

These data validate Candel?s novel approach for in silico prediction of payload combinations and selection of indication-specific payloads with anti-tumoral activity using human datasets as a tool to accelerate, improve and de-risk certain aspects of the development of transformative viral immunotherapies. The second poster titled ?A novel viral immunotherapeutic targeting the CD47/SIRPa axis demonstrates potent anti-tumor effects? describes the design of the first experimental agent based on the enLIGHTEN?

Discovery Platform, Alpha-201-macro1. This investigational agent is comprised of an immunostimulatory and oncolytic engineered viral chassis armed with a novel gene payload that is designed to interfere with the CD47/SIRPa pathway.