Boss Energy Limited advised that the South Australian Department for Energy and Mining has approved the Company's updated Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR) at its Honeymoon Uranium Project in South Australia. Approval of the updated Honeymoon PEPR is the key regulatory document required under the Mining Act 1971 for the restart of production at Honeymoon. Boss has been working closely with State Regulators over the past 12 months to update the Honeymoon PEPR following the release of the Enhanced Feasibility Study.

Key project improvements that are now incorporated into regulatory approvals under the Mining Act 1971, include: Maximum allowable production capacity - 3,300,000 pounds U308 per annum; Expanded mining footprint for extension to the 11-year mine life; Processing plant upgrades - replacing solvent extraction with ion exchange processing; New uranium calciner - producing a more refined and higher value final product of U3O8.