MUNICH/FLENSBURG (dpa-AFX) - The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) is conducting an investigation into possible emissions tampering at BMW. A KBA spokesman said on Wednesday, confirming a corresponding report in the "Bild" newspaper, that the investigation concerns the suspicion of an illegal defeat device in the engine control unit of a diesel model. BMW stated that the X3 SUV model in question with a two-liter diesel engine was built between 2010 and 2014. BMW is investigating the emissions behavior and is in contact with the authorities.

According to the KBA, the suspicion arose during market surveillance. The authority examines vehicles from every manufacturer and can carry out investigations in its own laboratory and also analyze the software. The investigation into the BMW X3 was initiated last August.

BMW had already reported on the case in its 2023 half-year report. The KBA spokesperson pointed out that this is an ongoing procedure, "we are only at the hearing stage here." /rol/DP/jha