BitFrontier Capital Holdings, Inc. announced it has signed a ground lease on approximately 1.3 acres of industrial land, with 1 acre being fenced in and secured. This building site was selected over other potential locations for several key factors: The average cost of industrial electricity in the area is 6.53c/kWh. With industrial rates in the U.S. ranging from 4.13c/kWh to 30.82c/kWh, its well under the national average cost of industrial electricity in the U.S. providing greater profit margins for its mining operations. The average temperature is approximately 53°F, which is more than optimal for operating mining equipment. its will not be required to run costly air-conditioning equipment for the miners, and instead will have an evaporative cooling system, which will cut the electrical costs for cooling the miners significantly compared to traditional air-conditioning, It is large enough to accommodate four of its mining facilities, It has already been approved for industrial operations, which should facilitate easy access to building and operating permits, And the leasing entity has expressed interest in selling the property to the company in ten years when the lease expires.