Rozzano (MI), 28 January 2014

Signed the with-recourse factoring of first portion of receivables in line

with the restructuring agreement

In relation to restructuring agreement with the lending banks (please see press release of 20 January 2014 for further details) Biancamano Spa, discloses that, on 27 January 2014, its subsidiary company Aimeri Ambiente S.r.l signed the with-recourse factoring of first portion of receivables, subject to certification/recognition by the debtors, for a total amount of about Euro 50 millions in favor of the Lenders, via Ifitalia s.p.a as bank heading up a pool, of around Euro 50 million at notary D.ssa Paola Casali office.
The with-recourse factoring operation is the first step of the restructuring agreement and it serves the disbursement of New funding by lenders. The proceeds from these receivables will be used by Aimeri Ambiente Srl, together with forecast cash flows, to repay the following exposures: New funding, Consolidation of short-term credit facilities, Consolidated and current leasing and Re-scheduling of the medium/long-term credit facilities.

Biancamano is the main Italian private operator in Waste Management sector, leader in the Urban Cleaning integrated Services. The Group, through its subsidiary company Aimeri Ambiente, is specialized in planning, managing and controlling the complete cycle of the environmental operating services: from the collection and transportation of Municipal Waste, to the separate collection, to the streets sweeping and washing, and to the realization and management of the ecological platforms, on behalf of local public organizations and private operators. The Group furthermore manages disposal and storage plants. With about 2,400 employees, 3,200 vehicles and a GPS advanced control system, the Group is present throughout the national territory.

This press release is an English translation of the original Italian document.

This Press Release is available on the website: under the section Investor Relations - Press Releases.

CONTATTI : BIANCAMANO SPA Utopia lab Chiara Locati Media Relations Investor Relator Gaia De Scalzi

Tel. +39 02 528682 286 Tel. +39 06 45439103 mailto:c.locati@gruppobiancamano.itCell. +39 331 6781443

Biancamano Spa Sede Legale e Amministrativa: Strada 4, Palazzo Q6 - 20089 Milanofiori - Rozzano (MI) tel. +39 02 528682 1 - Fax +39 02 628682 253 - - Capitale Sociale € 1.700.000,00 i.v. - Registro Imper se MI/Cod. fisc e Partita IVA:01362020081.


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