Beowulf Mining plc announced testwork results for composite samples taken from its Haapamäki, Pitkäjärvi and Aitolampi graphite prospects located in eastern Finland, approximately 40 kilometres (‘km’) southwest of the well-established mining town of Outokumpu. Both Pitkäjärvi and Aitolampi prospects were new discoveries in 2016, and are eastern extensions to the Haapamäki prospect. Testwork on composite samples for Pitkäjärvi and Aitolampi has produced concentrate grades of 94.5% Total Carbon and 94.7% Ct, respectively. A secondary cleaning circuit produced grades of at least 95.7% Ct in all size fractions between 65 mesh and 200 mesh (210-75 micron), with the high grade of 97.4% Ct obtained from the -80/+100 mesh (180-150 micron) size fraction for Pitkäjärvi (test MET-03-3). Most of the carbon in the samples was associated with graphite, with only small amounts of organic carbon and carbonate carbon. Flake size analysis for Pitkäjärvi concentrate showed 83% fine (<150 micron), 5.6% medium (150-180 micron) and 11.4% large/jumbo (+180 micron) flakes. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry scans and whole-rock analysis showed no elevated concentrations of typical deleterious elements. All testwork was performed by SGS Mineral Services in Canada.