Beamz Interactive, Inc. announced the release of a new Health & Wellness Edition for its Jam Studio VR App with the Meta Quest 1 & 2 VR Standalone Headsets. The Jam Studio VR Health & Wellness Edition includes a variety of Health Tunes clinically researched therapy music for Relaxation, Anxiety & Stress Relief, Focus, and Meditation. As with all Jam Studio VR songs, users will have a variety of appropriate instruments - sound bowls, bells, gongs, and the like - they can choose to play along with the music therapy.

Each audio track was included in order to provide specialized sound to help regulate a user's breathing patterns, assist with heart rate entrainment, and improve one's overall well-being. In addition, the Health & Wellness Edition includes over 15 fun and relaxing classical, jazz, country and other interactive songs as well as a free in app purchase with two Studio Master Songs. These songs provide directed Jazz and Classical activities to help strengthen cognitive skills.

The Jam Studio VR Health & Wellness Edition is now available on the Meta Quest App Lab platform at a price of $14.99.