Baristas Coffee Company announced that Baristas Coffee is expanding its branded product offering to include coffee-based health and personal care products. Baristas' first product in this category is a high-end, coffee-based morning moisturizer. The approval to begin shipping nationwide comes just two weeks after Front Montgomery appeared on the set of Modern Living with Kathy Ireland where they taped a segment featuring Baristas bestselling White Coffee. The moisturizer is made from Baristas' five bean variety of pure Arabica beans that have been hand selected and individually roasted. Developed and tested by Baristas, the product has many unique benefits not found in other products. It contains antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that are absorbed into the skin, increases energy, alertness, helps burn fat, and increases physical performance. Other proven benefits of coffee and caffeine are a reduced risk of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cirrhosis, and some types of cancer.