Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. at its board meeting held on November 16, 2022, approved the acknowledgment of the resignation, with effects from the date of 01, December of 2022, presented by the Executive Vice-President of the Company, Mr. Alberto Monteiro de Queiroz Netto, Brazilian citizen, married, business administrator, bearer of the Identity Card RG Nº. 07578580-8 SSP/RJ, enrolled with the Individual Taxpayer Registry CPF/ME Nº. 843.603807-04, to his role of Executive Vice-President the Company, pursuant to the Letter of Resignation ("Letter") received on this date and filed at the Company's headquarters; and The company also approved the election, for a complementary term of office, entering in force until the investiture of the elected people at the first Board of Directors' Meeting being held after the 2023 Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, the following person, as a Vice-President Executive Officer, Carlos José da Costa André, Brazilian, divorced, engineer, bearer of the Identity Card RG nº.

05935301-1 SSP/SP, enrolled with the Individual Taxpayer Registry CPF/ME Nº. 834.157.697-04; and Renato Ejnisman, Brazilian, married, banker, bearer of the Identity Card RG nº. 13.440.778 SSP-SP and enrolled with the Individual Taxpayer Registry CPF/ME N° 136.865.628-55, both with office at Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2041 – CJ 281, Bloco A, Cond.

W Torre JK, Vila Nova Conceição, CEP 04543-011, São Paulo/SP.